Supporting BkLNK
We really appreciate any donation, or purchases via our Affiliate Code. They help offset the hosting costs (about US$1.5K per year), and help keep this place free.
Short version: donate buttons below. Long version: read the stuff on the right (larger screens) or below (smaller screens).
If you can't donate right now, that's fine. A quick message via out Contact page is encouraging.
Here's the Donate buttons:
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Supporting BKLNK
If you have found BKLNK useful, there are three ways you can support the site. Everything on BKLNK is free, and always will be free.
Buy Something on Zon with our affiliate link. BKLNK gets it's data directly from Amazon (the "Zon") because we are an Affiliate. But Zon requires that our affiliate codes generate revenue for them. No revenue generated? No access to Zon data. (That's why we can only show US-CA-AU data (we were just able to add AU because of affiliate revenue there) - and why UK has gone away.)
Using our affiliate link to purchase anything on Zon helps keep our access to the data. Especially purchases on non-US Zon stores. Here's our geocoded affiliate code to use for your next Zon purchase of anything:
https://amazon.com/?tag=bklnk20-20. This is especially important for non-US customers.
This site participates in the Amazon Associate program and may earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to the purchaser.To support BKLNK's access to Zon data (especially outside the US), use the above link, which is keyed to the Zon store for your country, to purchase something. (If you can't think of anything to buy, try one of our books from our author site.) Zon purchases using the BKLNK affiliate code is a big help, especially for non-US purchases.
That affiliate revenue we get is not significant. We're not getting rich here - just enough for a hot chocolate or two a month (we don't do coffee, even though we live about an hour from coffee-loving Seattle). Or maybe we'll get some cherry Jelly Bellies.
But - that affiliate revenue - especially from non-US purchases - lets BKLNK keep accessing the Zon data. That's the best way to support BKLNK - and it helps other authors as they research their categories.
Donate any amount to BKLNK. The other way you can help out is with a donation to help offset the costs of maintaining this site. Yearly hosting costs for this place are about US$1.5K a year. But it is something that we use. And I'm a bit geeky, so web sites are something I do in addition to some book writing. (The books are over on the right side - purchases and honest reviews are very helpful.)
So your voluntary donation of any amount is very helpful - and greatly appreciated. Clicking the Donate button or QR code will take you to PayPal to complete the transaction. The business name will be "CellarWeb" - it belongs to me.
Buy one of my books (a humble marketing ploy). Or, you can buy one of my books via the links over on the right side to help support this site. Those links use BKLNK affiliate codes, so that helps in two ways. (And a nice review if you read the book is helpful, as you authors know.) Check out my books on my author site.
Writing books is hard. Marketing your books is even harder.
So I'm happy to provide the services here to help with your marketing efforts. I really appreciate your purchases using our affiliate links, and any donation to keep on the lights here. Even a nice note via the contact form is appreciated - I know that authors are often on a tight budget. So a nice "Huzzah!" is always great.
Richard Hellewell - Somewhere opposite Mutiny Bay WA
Donate via PayPal
Donate via PayPal with this QR Code
Thanks! You can contact me any time with suggestions, problems, or even a "Huzzah!".
Rick Hellewell, Owner of BKLNK and CellarWeb.com.
Somewhere opposite Mutiny Bay, WA. -
Message from the Boss
A Message from The Boss
Thanks for visiting BKLNK - everything is always free here. I hope the tools here will help with your book marketing efforts.
Sites for Authors
We have several sites that provide services for authors - at an inexpensive cost.
Details in the Services for Authors page.
Check out the What's New page for some other cool things!I make web sites. And write books - see my author site here.
Our Zon affiliate purchase link for you to use is here: https://amazon.com/?tag=bklnk20-20
. Using that link helps keep BKLNK's access to Zon data - especially from non-US countries. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) Donations and Zon purchases via our affiliate link all help support this site. (Our costs for this place approach US$ 1500.00 per year.)
Even a single donation helps out with our costs. Use this button to donate via PayPal:
Or, you can buy one of my books - see my author site for all book details - to help support this site. (And a nice review if you read a book is helpful, as you authors know.) I appreciate the support of my humble writing efforts. I enjoyed writing the books - I hope that you enjoy reading them.
I hope that BKLNK has helped you with your publishing efforts. Use our Contact form for any questions or comments; even a short "Huzzah!" is appreciated.
Richard Hellewell - 'the boss'
Somewhere opposite Mutiny Bay, WAMy Author Site for All Book Details
Check out our new BkSubscribe - Mailing Lists for Book Authors - with Landing Pages and no-spam subscription signups! https://www.BkSubscribe.com .